On Monday we remembered the liberation of Auschwitz Concentration Camp, 80 years ago to the day. One survivor of the atrocities was Viktor Frankl, an Austrian psychiatrist and psychotherapist who documented his experiences in the book, ‘Man’s Search for Meaning.’ In his reflections Frankl revealed that he treated those years as a learning opportunity that could inform the world and his own work after the war ended.
Taking this approach gave Frankl a powerful reason to fight to survive the ordeal. In this sense it speaks to the power of purpose and contribution to something bigger than oneself in helping us endure even the darkest days.
The concept of purpose and its influence on human happiness, health and longevity has been much debated. One view is that it over-simplifies the breadth of the human experience, some believe that attempting to define it can drive feelings of inadequacy and others use it as guidance on how to cultivate a successful and fulfilling life.
From my work as a coach, supporting people to develop a keener sense of agency in their lives and careers, one of the most common themes I notice across the spectrum of people I work with, is the desire to have an impact. Together, we explore what ‘impact’ means and the descriptions are both beautifully unique and also reflect a shared desire to leave a mark on this world.
Whatever word you choose, to me, this speaks to the value of living and leading with purpose. It provides direction in the beautiful and painful chaos of life and feeds our desire for contribution which is a proven pillar of human motivation and happiness. And it doesn’t have to last a lifetime either, my own sense of purpose has evolved through life experience and as I’ve aged.
If you’re feeling stuck, lacklustre or lost in life or work, consider reflecting on the following:
Returning to the words of Viktor Frankl to summarise, “Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’.”
Kate Lloyd is a Career & Mindset Coach working in Henley and also online. For more information visit www.seedwellness.co.uk/katelloyd
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