January is a time for new starts, resolutions and maybe even regret as we reflect on another year gone by and the fresh challenges that lie ahead. It’s useful to take some time to do a strategic review of 2024 before planning 2025.
Giving Back:
Letting Go:
The Year Ahead:
Most importantly, January is a time to be gentle with ourselves…. mid-winter is not an easy time of year.
By Alison Scott – www.seedwellness.co.uk/alisonscott
If you need some help kick-starting the year ahead, see our list of mind therapists as follows. All work both in person and online.
🌱 Alison Scott – Cognitive Hypnotherapy in Marlow – www.seedwellness.co.uk/alisonscott
🌱 Camilla Ross – Cognitive Hypnotherapy in Beaconsfield – www.seedwellness.co.uk/camillaross
🌱 Sophie Fraser – Mindset & Neuro Change Coach in Beaconsfield – www.seedwellness.co.uk/sophiefraser
🌱 Sue Solomou – Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT) in Marlow – www.seedwellness.co.uk/suesolomou
Client Testimonial
“My sessions with Alison were massively effective. I feel generally much less anxious, the voice in my head is much kinder and I’ve really been able to put some trauma behind me. I also love my word weave and think I’ll listen to it forever! I am so grateful for her help and support and feel like I’m back to being me!”
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