Pregnancy is quite simply amazing. Growing a tiny human being in your body is probably the most incredible thing that you’ll ever do.
BUT getting pregnant can be a challenge and pregnancy itself can certainly take it’s toll on both your changing body and your mind. At Seed we believe that pregnancy health should go further than just taking vitamins and eating for two! Feeling relaxed is essential for you and your unborn baby, as is keeping your body fit and healthy – allowing you to approach your labour in the best possible way.
With the arrival of your baby your body and mind will change again. It’s important to take the time to get used to these changes. Having a baby is an awe inspiring & joyous experience – BUT it can also leave you feeling overwhelmed, lonely, scared, inadequate & struggling to cope. Taking care of your physical and mental health has never been more important.
We offer a range of fertility, pregnancy and postnatal health services to help you and your baby stay well in body and mind through pregnancy, motherhood and beyond:
Pregnancy & Post Natal Pilates:
Classes specially designed to support and improve
Weak core
Weak pelvic floor
Back pain
Diastasis (tummy separation)
Pelvic pain (SPD / PGP)
Contemporary Pilates
We teach contemporary Pilates method while maintaining the integrity of classical Pilates. Our ethos is that all movement is good. So regardless of your ability, age and health just turning up will be improving your body and mind.
Pregnancy Yoga
To improve sleep, reduce stress or anxiety, increase strength of muscles needed for childbirth, aid lower back pain, help establish good breathing practices useful for labour
Mother & Baby Yoga
The perfect time to rest, relax & connect with your baby, while building up strength & stamina AND easing pains & tension in the post natal body.
Nutritional Therapy
Support yourself with your diet for fertility & to ensure you’re in the best possible health during pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding. Nutritional Therapy also supports with energy levels, mood & weight loss.
Fertility Nutrition / Natural Fertility Support
Supporting couples who are trying to have a baby naturally or those going through the IVF journey. Working with hormonal issues such as PCOS and endometriosis, while focusing on ways to increase the egg and sperm quality, to provide the best possible environment to conceive.
Private GP
To answer questions, run tests if required and determine a realistic plan to help you to conceive and stay healthy throughout your pregnancy.
Core Restore
Core Restore is beneficial for pregnancy fitness through to post natal recovery and pelvic-floor-friendly strength training – to support with leaking, reconnecting your core and healing separated tummy muscles. To empower all women to feel strong, confident and happy in their own bodies.
Sleep Coaching
Establish good sleeping patterns & routines from an early age. Support yourself, your baby & your whole family to get a good night sleep!
Ante-natal & Post Natal Classes with Everything Birth, Baby & Sleep
Preparing both parents-to-be for the birth of their baby through well-rounded, practical and realistic classes.
Learn the tools & techniques to manage your pregnancy & approach your labour in a calm, confident & controlled way.
Birth Trauma 3-Step Rewind Therapy
The 3 Step Rewind Process is a gentle, safe and highly successful way of working with parents and other birth professionals or attendees to lift the heavy feelings that can remain after a difficult or traumatic birth, post natal or breast feeding experience, or in fact any other perinatal trauma, or fear of upcoming birth.
Craniosacral Therapy by Sam Lowi and Craniosacral Therapy by Helen Smith
Supports common issues that can present after birth – colic, restlessness, sleep problems, constant crying, ear issues.
Pregnancy Massage
Relax throughout your pregnancy & as you approach your labour. Massage techniques are adapted to maintain the wellbeing of you & your baby.
Support your fertility, relax through your pregnancy & encourage your bodies natural labour. Reflexology can also aid common issues seen in pregnancy such as constipation, indigestion & insomnia.
Therapeutic Oils & Homeopathy
Essential oils and Homeopathy can support & calm your hormones, help you to feel relaxed & even manage some of the common symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea, headaches & problematic skin in a natural way.
Mindset & Wellbeing Coaching
Coaching can help you to prepare emotionally & practically for the changes that pregnancy & parenthood bring. It can help you to overcome any nerves & approach things in a positive and productive way.
Perinatal Counselling
Unfortunately not everybody falls pregnant easily or gets to bring a healthy baby home from the hospital. Perinatal Counselling is a support if you’re struggling with fertility, have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal loss, or are suffering with post natal depression or birth trauma.
Baby Massage
Connect & bond with your baby as you soothe, relax & support their sleep patterns
Scar Release Therapy (C-Section)
This gentle technique can improve the physical appearance of your skin, the physical discomfort of it & any emotional trauma attached to it.
Colonic Hydrotherapy (Post Natal Only)
Resolve common post natal digestive issues such as IBS, constipation & bloating) & help to cleanse& reset your body.Bloating)
During Labour a doula provides emotional and practical support to their client while providing them with useful information and advice. A doula helps their clients to prepare for a calm, confident and joyful birth.
Baby & Child First Aid
Taking a baby or child first aid training can help build your confidence as a parent and teach you what to do when facing an emergency for new born infants and children
Independent Midwife Service – Please contact
We are also able to offer a bespoke pre & post natal health package. This can be tailored to your own needs & the needs of your baby. Please contact for more information.