Seed Wellness offers Kinesiology in Beaconsfield and across South Bucks.
Kinesiology is the scientific study of body movement, which addresses the physiological, bio-mechanical, and psychological elements of a patient / client.
Originating in the 1970’s, Kinesiology combines Western and Eastern techniques to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
The basis of a kinesiology treatment lies in manual muscle testing, which is used to identify imbalances that are causing certain disruptions within the body. It addresses the nutritional, structural, emotional and energetic aspects of health with a range of gentle yet powerful techniques.
How does it work? The body is like an electrical piece of equipment, which is controlled by the brain. The brain is continually in communication with each of the 639 muscles in the body. If a muscle is electrically in balance, when tested, the muscle will remain strong and resilient to any sort of physical pressure.
However, when the body is under some sort of stress (from a chemical, emotional, structural or electrical cause), the electrical signals in one or more muscles go weak. So, this tells the therapist that there is a problem that needs to be addressed.
It looks at the structural integrity of the joints and articulations of the torso, arms and legs by locating tension, trauma, adaptions, misalignments, proprioception and gait imbalances by employing a series of gentle movements that activates the body’s own reflex mechanism to restore balance and alignment to the body without force.
As well as its ability to help with a range of physical injuries and ailments, it also aids emotional and psychological wellbeing, addressing the impact on the individual of emotional trauma, anxiety and stress, current and Resistance phase stress, (PTSD).
To find out more about Kinesiology please CLICK HERE