A Doula is a trained companion who offers support to a woman (and her family) through a significant health-related experience – usually childbirth and beyond.
During labour a birth doula provides emotional and practical support to their client while providing them with useful information and advice. A birth doula helps their clients to prepare for a calm, confident and joyful birth.
A post-natal doula is a trained professional who is there to support you after the baby is born.
Services include:
- Infant feeding support, whether it is breast, chest or bottle
- Companionship and a listening ear to explore without judgment any worries or challenges you may be facing as a new parent
- Undertaking light household tasks like clearing and tidying surfaces, sorting and folding laundry
- Accompanying you to appointments if desired
- Looking after/wearing your baby while you nap/eat/spend time with another sibling/have some time just for you
- Supporting your partner or other members of your support circle
- Caring for older siblings
- Researching and signposting to the relevant experts as and when needed
For more information visit Doula UK’s page on how birth and postnatal doulas can support growing families: https://doula.org.uk/what-doulas-do/