More and more of us are living wonderfully longer lives. Our lives now evolve over several different chapters with so much opportunity than that of the generations before us. All of us will no doubt consider that the best quality of life is worth investing in through our physical, mental, relationship and financial and now, as well, our domestic health.
In the West, we live in a world of consumption. Over a longer lifetime, without regular check ins with the things that fill our homes, they can easily reach a point of no longer serving the lives we wish to live. Excess clutter can distract and overwhelm. In the complex lives we lead (no matter how much we pursue simplicity!), our homes are our battery chargers needing to offer support and nourishment. We get to decide what is right for us at each life stage and age, and our homes should reflect this, so that our spaces work for us, not against us, whether that is creating flexible working or space for creativity and fulfilling hobbies, or a cosy nook for reading and reflection.
As we age and move through our own range of chapters, we gain lived experience and having those things around us that remind us of where we have come from and where we are going, can help us share our stories with fondness and set intention for the future as well as letting go of more difficult times. Surrounding ourselves with these items, rather than outdated clutter, can free us physically and mentally to leave our homes and explore our endless potential. As we live these longer lives, no longer ‘saving for best’ but elevating the everyday by using the things we love give us daily boosts that keep us energised and moving.
Living in clutter and disorganisation can be stressful and draining, wasting time and energy – isn’t life challenging enough without these added distractions? Muddling mental clarity, reducing inspiration, stress and anxiety result, meaning the opposite can be true…….with a variety of health benefits to add, including improved sleep, less accidents, cortisol reduction and so on, all aiding the quality of longer life. Detoxing our homes and detoxing our health are forever linked.
As we live longer too, our impact on the planet can be larger – rehoming and not replacing things, not only means we consume less but we can help others too. If we want the planet to be healthy for us to survive and thrive, we need to help the planet in every way we can, no matter how small that help might feel.
Improving our domestic health is not just a tidy up or a clear out – it’s a commitment to improving the space around us and creating a home that we feel comfortable and safe in – our sanctuary from which to tackle the world outside head on. Moving from clutter to a state of organisation across all aspects of our life admin enables us to thrive and flourish, creating time to pursue our intentions and live that long, fulfilled life we hope for, with quality, purpose and opportunity.
Sophie Casey is a Home Coach based in Beaconsfield, Bucks, helping people to restore their homes and schedules to order and calm. For more info visit
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