Enhancing Posture, Aligning Fascia to boost Fertility
Infertility is a significant global health problem, with specialists estimating that as many as one in six couples worldwide are affected. In more than half of those cases, experts say, the underlying problem is increasingly more in the male.
“Infertility research focusing on women, leaving sperm science behind.” According to the researcher’s sperm counts are falling drastically worldwide – and have been doing so for decades – and scientists say their honest answer to why is: “We don’t know.”
I find it so interesting that posture is never mentioned as a cause of deterioration of health. I have been saying for years that it won’t be long before no healthy babies are born. The compressive forces in the body are hitting a point of exponential disaster in the younger population. Growing up in front of technology, combined with many other factors, has created bodies that are collapsed and dense. For anything to function in the body, it requires blood and oxygen flow. Whether male or female, if blood can’t reach the reproductive organs, they will cease to do their job.
Theoretically, the older you become, the more collapsed the body, but this is no longer the case. The rounded shoulders and, in many, the Dowager Hump – once an old lady issue; the jammed-up pelvis; the twisted rib cage; the asymmetry in the young: these are obvious in the majority of the younger generations. This is a big problem. Tightened fascia in the lumbar spine and pelvis restricts movement and flow, exacerbating these issues. Compression blocks flow – all flow. The compressed, twisted body is not functioning as it is meant to and has become cold and sluggish. The inability to access the diaphragm muscle – the internal engine that drives oxygenation and internal heating – is blocked, resulting in less efficient chest breathing. The lack of oxygen/chi creates a thick, heavy body. This affects flow.
Through proper posture and conscious breathing, we keep our container upright and provide support for cellular/ structural alignment. Cells not in their correct position are under stress and cease to function on your behalf. To address infertility in men and women, internal space needs to be created and tissue needs to be heated for flow to resume. This will solve the problem.
This is where yin yoga can help: it helps improve posture and alignment, remodels fascia, and creates space in the body. Yin yoga also targets the meridians, or energy lines, from Traditional Chinese Medicine to promote flow and remove stagnation, especially through the pelvis, by focusing on postures for the hips and lower back. This quiet practice, characterized by softness and mainly forward bends, has a soothing effect on the nervous system and helps reduce the stress hormone cortisol.
By combining these practices with proper diaphragmatic breathing and correct cellular alignment through foundational building, you can achieve a whole-body system that provides a healthy, simple approach to today’s issues.
Tessa Rohrig YinLife
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